“The Resilience Roadmap” by Danny Morel is a book that can help you reach the level of success you desire.

If you’ve never heard of or haven’t read the book “The Resilience Roadmap” by Danny Morel, I highly recommend that you read it.

I don’t think there’s another real estate agent or broker in the business who’s gone through more trials and tribulations than Danny to get where he is today. I also think there’s not another person who’s more involved on a daily basis in his agents’ success.


“The Resilience Roadmap” challenges you look at your mindset and your daily activity and make a routine for success. What he argues (and I agree with) is your success is based on your routine. If you don’t have a daily routine of doing the exact same things every day, practicing your skill sets, and getting better every day, you won’t reach the level of success you’re looking for.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this book, so feel free to text me or send me an email about it. If you have any other questions, I invite you to reach out to me as well. I look forward to hearing from you.